- with one's tail between one's legs
- с поджатым хвостом; униженный, оскорбленный, уничтоженный, несчастный, жалкий
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
with one's tail between one's legs — ► with one s tail between one s legs informal in a state of dejection or humiliation. Main Entry: ↑tail … English terms dictionary
with one's tail between one's legs — idi with one s tail between one s legs, utterly defeated or humiliated … From formal English to slang
tail between one's legs — adverb A reaction to a confrontation, specifically one with excessive shame and hurt pride. :: He retreated from the fight with his tail between his legs … Wiktionary
tail between one's legs — feeling ashamed or beaten He was forced to resign from his company with his tail between his legs after he was caught lying about his expense account … Idioms and examples
with one's tail between one's legs — informal in a state of dejection or humiliation. → tail … English new terms dictionary
tail between one's legs — {n. phr.} State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping. * /The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs./ * /The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they… … Dictionary of American idioms
tail between one's legs — {n. phr.} State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping. * /The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs./ * /The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they… … Dictionary of American idioms
tail\ between\ one's\ legs — n. phr. State of feeling beaten, ashamed, or very obedient, as after a scolding or a whipping. The army sent the enemy home with their tails between their legs. The boys on the team had boasted they would win the tournament, but they went home… … Словарь американских идиом
with one's tail between one's legs — informal in a state of dejection or humiliation … Useful english dictionary
tail — ► NOUN 1) the hindmost part of an animal, especially when extended beyond the rest of the body. 2) something extending downwards, outwards, or back like an animal s tail. 3) the rear part of an aircraft, with the tailplane and rudder. 4) the… … English terms dictionary
tail — tail1 [tāl] n. [ME < OE tægel, akin to OHG zagel < IE base * dek̑ , to tear, tear off > Sans saśā, fringe] 1. a) the rear end of an animal s body, esp. when forming a distinct, flexible appendage to the trunk b) such an appendage 2.… … English World dictionary